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<!-- Norton Internet Security 2000 folder.htt Copyright (c) 1999 Symantec Corporation. 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(ch - miniHeight) : 0; document.all.Brand.innerHTML = "<p>" + L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt_Text; } else { document.all.Brand.style.top = 0; document.all.Brand.style.left = 0; document.all.Brand.style.width = cw; document.all.Brand.style.height = ch >= 0 ? ch : 0; document.all.Brand.innerHTML = "<p>" + L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt1_Text; } } else { document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "hidden"; document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "visible"; if (showFiles) { document.all.FileList.style.top = 0; document.all.FileList.style.left = document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth; document.all.FileList.style.width = cw - document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth; document.all.FileList.style.height = ch; } else { document.all.Brand.style.top = 0; document.all.Brand.style.left = document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth; document.all.Brand.style.width = cw - document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth; document.all.Brand.style.height = ch; document.all.Brand.innerHTML = ""; } } } function ShowFilesStatus(winStat) { if (winStat) window.status="Show Files"; else window.status=""; } function HideFilesStatus(winStat) { if (winStat) window.status="Hide Files"; else window.status=""; } function ShowFiles() { Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt_Text; showFiles = true; document.all.FileList.style.display = ""; document.all.Brand.style.display = "none"; FixSize(); } function Init() { document.all.FileList.style.display = "none"; document.all.Brand.style.display = ""; // call our FixSize() function whenever the window gets resized window.onresize = FixSize; FixSize(); Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text + "<br><br>" + L_Prompt1_Text; } </script> <script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged"> // Updates the TextBlock region when an item is selected var data; var text = ""; // name text = "<b>" + FileList.FocusedItem.Name + "</b>"; // comment data = FileList.Folder.GetDetailsOf(FileList.FocusedItem, 3); if (data) text += "<br>" + data; // documents data = FileList.Folder.GetDetailsOf(FileList.FocusedItem, 1); if (data) text += "<br><br>" + FileList.Folder.GetDetailsOf(null, 1) + ": " + data; // status data = FileList.Folder.GetDetailsOf(FileList.FocusedItem, 2); if (data) text += "<br><br><b><font color=red>" + data + "</font></b>"; // tip? data = FileList.Folder.GetDetailsOf(FileList.FocusedItem, -1); if (data != "" && data != FileList.FocusedItem.Name) text += "<br><br>" + data; // replace Info with the new text Info.innerHTML = text; </script> </head> <body scroll=no onload="Init()"> <!-- start mini banner --> <div ID="MiniBanner" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 32px; background: window"> <!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping --> <table><tr><td nowrap> <p class=Title style="margin-top: 0"> %THISDIRNAME% </td></tr></table> </div> <!-- end mini banner --> <!-- start left info panel --> <div id=Panel style="background: white URL(file://%THISDIRPATH%\NISLeft.gif) no-repeat"> <p> <object classid="clsid:E5DF9D10-3B52-11D1-83E8-00A0C90DC849" width=32 height=32> <param name="scale" value=100> </object> <p class=Title> %THISDIRNAME% <p class=LogoLine> <!-- show a NIS purple line --> <img src="%THISDIRPATH%\NISLine.gif" width=100% height=1px> <p> <span id=Info> </span> <p> <!-- this is the thumbnail viewer control --> <object id=Thumbnail classid="clsid:1D2B4F40-1F10-11D1-9E88-00C04FDCAB92" style="display: none"> </object> </div> <!-- end left info panel --> <!-- this is a NIS Folder Backgroud image that covers up the files --> <div id=Brand style="background: white URL(file://%THISDIRPATH%\NISFolderBackground.gif) no-repeat right bottom "> </div> <!-- this is the standard file list control --> <object id=FileList border=0 tabindex=0 style="display: none" classid="clsid:1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2"> </object> </body> </html>